NARC carries out its first map exercise, “Peace of North Africa”, in Algeria

The planning component of the capacity began preparing for the holding of the first map exercise organized by the capacity since its launch in 2010 at the end of the year 2018, when planning began as of August 2018. The planning element decided to call it “Salam North Africa”. For this purpose, the preparatory, initial and main conference was held in Tunisia continuously during the period from 22 to 29 November 2018, and the final planning conference in Algeria from 21 to 24 December 2018. The exercise was carried out at the Rouiba Training Center in Algeria from 25 to 27 December 2018, over three days of continuous work. The North African Peace exercise aims to enhance the planning capabilities of joint operations of staff officers, verify decision-making mechanisms in the African Union and the capacity of the North African region at the level of the planning component, familiarize the participants with the doctrine, policies and concepts of the ready-made African force, and enhance cooperation and coordination.

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