AU Executive Council Adopts Recommendation Recognizing NARC’s Full Operational Capability

During its 45th Ordinary Session held in Accra, Ghana, from July 18 to 19, 2024, the African Union (AU) Executive Council adopted the recommendation of the Specialized Technical Committee on Defense, Safety, and Security, recognizing the North Africa Regional Capability (NARC) as having achieved full operational capability.

The Council also endorsed several other recommendations put forth by the committee, including those pertaining to the strategic lift concept, training policies for the African Standby Force (ASF), and a review of the ASF concept. A report on the ASF review is slated for presentation at the upcoming Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union.

Participating delegations at the Executive Council meetings commended the report of the Specialized Technical Committee on Defense and its insightful recommendations. They underscored the crucial role of the African Standby Force in addressing the security challenges confronting various parts of the continent.

It’s worth noting that the NARC Secretariat and its components, with steadfast support from NARC member states, have consistently intensified their efforts. They have conducted numerous workshops to develop necessary concepts and policies, as well as organized exercises involving both permanent and standby components, all aimed at achieving full operational capability.

The NARC Executive Secretary and the accompanying delegation participated in the 45th Ordinary Session of the AU Executive Council, as well as several other African meetings and events held concurrently in Accra, including the mid-year coordination meeting.

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