NARC Executive Secretary Attends the 6th AU-RECs-RMs Mid-Year Coordination Meeting

On Sunday, July 21, 2024, the Executive Secretary of the North Africa Regional Capability (NARC), accompanied by a delegation, participated in the 6th African Union (AU)-Regional Economic Communities (RECs)-Regional Mechanisms (RMs) Mid-Year Coordination Meeting in Accra, Ghana.

The meeting was attended by the current Chairperson of the AU, Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, the host country President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, and heads of state or their representatives from AU member states currently chairing RECs and RMs.

The African leaders addressed the gathering, highlighting the achievements of their respective organizations and regional mechanisms in promoting African integration and supporting peace and security efforts on the continent.

In his address, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria and current Chair of NARC, emphasized the need for a unified African approach to tackling the continent’s challenges:

“The rapid global developments surrounding our continent and the increasing internal crises we face necessitate intensified joint efforts and the mobilization of our collective capabilities as member states to solidify the principle of ‘African solutions to African problems.'”

He further elaborated on this principle:

“The principle established by the founding fathers of our continental organization was never merely an empty slogan; it was and remains a strategic objective in the truest sense of the word. Its realization on the ground will yield tangible results that we all aspire to, contributing to a brighter future for our people.”

President Tebboune underscored the imperative of strengthening the continental peace and security architecture:

“In this context, it becomes essential to bolster the pillars of the continental peace and security architecture by fully activating all its mechanisms dedicated to conflict prevention and resolution, particularly the African Standby Force. This will enable us to optimize its utilization in responding to current challenges.”

Highlighting Algeria’s role, he added:

“Algeria, as the Chair of the North Africa Regional Capability, one of the five components of the African Standby Force, continues its endeavors to enhance the operational readiness of this regional mechanism, enabling it to effectively contribute to peacekeeping and security in Africa.”

He expressed appreciation for partner nations:

“I would like to take this opportunity to commend the efforts of our sister nations engaged with us in this mechanism: the Arab Republic of Egypt, the State of Libya, and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.”

President Tebboune concluded his remarks by praising NARC’s recent accomplishment:

“In this regard, we proudly acknowledge the declaration issued by the African Union Commission confirming the full operational readiness of the North Africa Regional Capability. This declaration culminates a series of inspection visits that allowed experts from both the African Union and the United Nations to assess the military, civilian, and logistical capabilities possessed by NARC. These capabilities, in accordance with international standards, qualify NARC to participate in peacekeeping operations at the continental level.”

Libya, in its capacity as Chair of the Arab Maghreb Union, spoke about the Union’s role and activities, while Egypt, as Chair of the NEPAD, highlighted its contribution to continental development.

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