NARC carries out its first map exercise in Algeria “Peace of North Africa”

The region’s capacity carried out its first training exercise since its launch on peace and security tasks, a map exercise, from December 26-31, 2018 at the Rouiba Training Center in Algeria.


 With the participation of members from the member states of the three components and a representative of the African Union Commission..The importance of the event comes because it is the first of its kind in that it is the first exercise conducted by Al-Qudra, and it is also the first exercise on humanitarian relief on the African continent, which gives it great importance. The implementation of this exercise has its humanitarian dimension It is the first experience of this scenario implemented by a region of the African Union.


The “North African Peace” exercise aims to enhance the planning capabilities of joint operations of staff officers, verify decision-making mechanisms in the African Union and the capacity of the North African region at the level of the planning component, and familiarize the participants with the doctrine, policies and concepts of the ready-made African force, and enhance cooperation and coordination. The activity is considered an important step to raise the operational level of the various components of the capacity as it allows for the unification of concepts between the different member states, in line with what is applicable at the continental and regional levels.

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