NARC Executive Secretary Participates in Commemoration of African Union Institutions’ 20th Anniversary

On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, the Executive Secretary of the North Africa Regional Capability (NARC), accompanied by a delegation, participated in events commemorating the 20th anniversary of key African Union (AU) institutions in Accra, Ghana.

Representatives from the Peace and Security Council, the Pan-African Parliament, the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC), and the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) delivered remarks highlighting the significant achievements of these institutions over the past two decades. They emphasized their commitment to further strengthening their efforts toward realizing the AU’s vision of establishing peace, security, and stability as the foundation for sustainable development and prosperity across the continent.

Speakers unanimously emphasized the paramount importance of establishing peace and security as a fundamental prerequisite for sustainable development and the well-being of African citizens. They affirmed their unwavering dedication to achieving these goals, envisioning an Africa enjoying peace, security, and stability, ultimately securing prosperity for its people and a prominent voice on the global stage.

The NARC Executive Secretary was joined at these events by the NARC Liaison Officer to the African Union and the Coordinator of the APSA Support Program at the NARC Secretariat.

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